Welcome to Super Million Hair - Your Thinning Hair Solution

Super Million Hair is a specially-processed antibacterial vegetable fiber. It bonds to your natural hair with static electricity so securely that your hair looks as if new hair has grown.Spraying Super Million Hair Mist over Super Million Hair and your natural hair gives your hair a fuller, natural look that stays in place for hours, even in rain, wind, and sweat.Super Million Hair is effective and inexpensive. Use it together with Super Million Hair Mist to give your hair a natural look.

Super Million Hair 10秒令頭髮恢復濃密

脫髮絕對不受歡迎,但當一頭濃密的秀髮突然變得稀疏,每次梳頭,總會梳掉幾十條,洗頭時越按摩就越發現地上出現一條“髮路”。對症下藥治療固然重要,但懂得偽裝更為重要。要治癒脫髮或稀髮並非一朝一夕的事,但Super Million Hair卻能讓脫髮及稀髮者瞬間改變形象,找回年輕與自信。只需要10秒鐘,你便可找回多年來不見的光采。

來自日本,擁有二十多年歷史的Super Million Hair是一種經過特殊加工的抗菌植物性纖維,只要灑在頭髮稀疏的部份,通過超導因子使其附在頭髮及頭皮上,完美的與頭髮結合,使稀疏的頭髮變得豐盈、自然、逼真。

Friday, April 9, 2010

Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Question

How does Super Million Hair conceal thinning hair?
Charged with static electricity, Super Million Hair fibers bond securely to your own hair and conceal balding areas leaving your hair looking thicker.

Will Super Million Hair damage my skin?
No, Super Million Hair will not damage your skin. It is completely safe because it’s made from specially treated fibers that are natural rather than artificial fibers used for clothes.

Will Super Million Hair clog my pores?
No, Super Million Hair will not clog your pores. It look like powder, but it’s fiber cut into 0.3 to o.5 mm.

Will Super Million Hair fall out in rain or wind?
No, Super million Hair will not fall out in rain or wind. When dry, Super Million Hair Mist protects your hair from rain, wind, or sweat, and keeps Super Million Hair firmly in place. Simply towel dry wet hair. Do not rub your head or hair.

I understand Super Million Hair will not come off in rain. Why does it come off when shampooed?
Super Million Hair comes out when your hair is shampooed because shampoo contains a surface-active agent that works to decrease any kind of contaminant.

Why do I have to use Super Million Hair Mist?
Firm-holding hairsprays sold on the market emit pressure that is too strong for Super Million Hair making your hairstyle uneven and out of place. Firm-holding hairsprays are good for setting hair, but are harsh on your scalp. Super Million Hair Mist contains extracts such as hinokitiol, sialid-extract, and carrot-extract, that are used as remedies against balding, and will not harm your scalp. Super Million Hair Mist works best for setting Super Million Hair.

Do I have to wash my hair everyday?
Yes, you should wash your hair everyday. We recommend you wash your hair regularly and maintain a beautiful hairstyle because the outer layer of skin on the scalp is excreted every day. Greasy hair may cause fluff build-up.

Where can I get Super Million Hair?
Super Million Hair can be purchased at facial treatment and hair salons, drug stores, and cosmetic stores throughout the country. If you cannot find it at a place near your home, please refer to our website.

Can I apply it by myself?
Yes, Super Million Hair is easy to apply all by yourself. With a hand mirror, check to make sure the thinning area is completely covered. Over time, you’ll learn how much to use on your hair. Soon, you’ll be able to do it without using a mirror.

How many times can one package of Super Million Hair be used?
It depends on the problem area. 15g of product can be used about 40 times in the example shown on the How to Use page.

What is Super Million Hair made from?
Super Million Hair is made from rayon enzyme pulp fibers.

How long does it last ?
It will last until you shampoo it out if you refrain from combing or brushing your hair. It may stain your pillow. We recommend you cover your pillow with a towel when you sleep.

Is Super Million Hair good for alopecia areata?
Yes, Super Million Hair is good for alopecia areata. Apply Super Million Hair Mist first on your head, then spray Super Million Hair, finally spray Super Million Hair Mist again.

I use a baldness remedy、Is that OK?
No problem. After applying the baldness remedy, dry your hair with a hairdryer, and then apply Super Million Hair. If you do not blow dry your hair first, Super Million Hair may curl up.

Doesn’t Super Million Hair clog the drain?
No, Super Million Hair will not clog the drain. It is cut into very small 0.3 to 0.5mm pieces. There’s no need to worry about clogging the drain.

Is it okay to wear a hat or helmet?
Yes, it is okay to wear a hat or a helmet. If the hat or helmet touches Super Million Hair directly, it may fall out. You must apply Super Million Hair Mist to secure Super Million Hair.

I barely have any hair. Can I still use Super Million Hair?
Yes. If there is still some hair on your head, it is enough to aid in covering the thinning area.

Is Super Million Hair only for men?
No, Super Million Hair is not just for men. Many women are also love using Super Million Hair. We have several different colors. We recommend you select a color little darker than your own hair. Super Million Hair is not a hair dye.

Why should it not be used together with pomade or liquid hair cream?
Super Million Hair should not be used together with pomade or liquid cream because the oil contained in pomade and liquid hair creams may cause Super Million Hair to curl up, leaving an undesirable finish.

Before & After Super Million Hair 前后对照

Before & After Super Milllion Hair

Japanese■ man 50s■ Color used: Black

■ Japanese■ man 40s■ Color used: Black

■ Japanese■ man 20s■ Color used: Dark Brown

■ Japanese■ woman 50s■ Color used: Dark Brown

■ Japanese■ woman 30s■ Color used: Light Brown

■ Nationality withheld■ man■ Color used: Light Brown

■ Nationality withheld■ man■ Color used: Medium Blonde

Nationality withheld■ man■ Color used:  Gray and Black

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What Causes Hair Thinning?

Hair grows naturally in cycles of approximately 4 to 6 years. At the end of growth cycles, the hair shaft is shed from the follicle and a new hair grows. Thinning hair is a natural part of aging. After the hair growth period, your hair enters the involutional period, and then sleeping period. At the end of a growth cycle, the hair shaft thins leaving hair without volume. The thinning hair contains less melanin which gives us the impression of thin hair.

Super Million Hair recommended for people who encounter following hair problems:

1. Androgenic alopecia (Male Alopecia & Common Pattern Alopecia)

Androgenic alopecia is a common form of hair loss. The pattern of hair loss varies with individuals. Androgenic alopecia is related to male hormones disturbing the hair root and causing the hair to thin. As alopecia develops, hair gets shorter in length and lighter in color. The result is fuzzy-looking hair.Hair growth is also substantially less and, in many cases, hair ceases to grow.

Alopecia areata

Bald patches are characteristically round spots similar to the size of a twenty-five cent coin. Hair loss is mainly triggered by mental stress regardless of gender or age, and may occur without any warning signs.

  • Caused by burns or Surgery

Burns or surgery may affect hair growth

2. Female Alopecia

Female Alopecia may be caused by hormones. Different from male Alopecia, the hair is loose and limp. Hair does not fall out, but hair growth ceases causing the hair to look thin. When this persists over time, the hairline widens.Sometimes the skin between thinning hair is exposed as well.

Alopecia Areata

Bald patches are characteristically round spots similar to the size of a twenty-five cent coin.

Hair loss is mainly triggered by mental stress regardless of gender

or age, and may occur without any warning signs

Hair Color Touch-up (white and brown)
About 2 to 3 weeks after dying your hair, the roots start to grow back. In such cases, Super Million Hair covers the roots and surface area of your hair


Super Million Hair纤维发丝 15g RM 159.90
剪成不同型狀的0.3~ 0.5mm 的纖維髮絲,能完美的修整出自然的感覺,適合各年齡層男女,並備有5種顏色選擇。

Super Million Hair噴霧劑 165ml RM 109.90
與Super Million Hair搭配使用,能牢牢地將Super Million Hair纖維髮絲釘在頭髮上,不論是風吹、下雨或流汗,都能維持自然完美狀態。内含生发精华.

Super Million Hair試用装 RM 149.90

備有Super Million Hair 纤维发丝 10g 及Super Million Hair噴霧劑 60ml,輕巧方便的試用裝,適合旅行時攜帶或初次使用

Super Million Hair 问与答

1 Super Million Hair 是什么样的产品?
A. 多密发为日本最新的美发产品,是经过特殊加工而成的高科技产品。
B. 它主要通过超导因子原理作用吸附在稀发上自然成型。
C. 超导因子是什么?超导因子是由日本厂家在Super Million Hair 产品的研发过程中发现的一种吸附作用现象,它是多密发产品神奇效果的秘密所在。
D. 它能够立刻地解除因各种原因引起的普秃、斑秃、地中海式及头发稀少等患者的烦恼。

2 Super Million Hair 产品为什么可以掩盖稀疏的头发?
Super Million Hair产品通过超导因子原理作用吸附在您的稀发上,让您的每一根头发看起来更丰盈。同时,部分产品也会洒落在头皮上,立刻增加头发厚度和密度。

3 Super Million Hair 会伤害皮肤和头发吗?
Super Million Hair 是一种天然植物纤维,对人体无害。

4 Super Million Hair 会造成毛孔堵塞吗?
不会。因为 Super Million Hair 经过了日本大学医学教授森昭雄博士的临床实验,产品本身是不会堵塞毛孔的。

5 Super Million Hair 会受刮风下雨天气的影响吗?

6 可以使用其它品牌的头发定型水吗?

7 使用Super Million Hair后,必须每天洗头发吗?

8 如果Super Million Hair 产品掉落在衣服上会不会把衣服弄脏和染上颜色?

9 Super Million Hair 产品可以维持多长时间?

10 可以与其它美发类产品混合使用吗?

11 可以戴帽子或头盔吗?

12 如何使用该产品?使用时方便不方便?使用多长时间?
① 头发洗净、整型(吹干)后,紧贴头发轻轻排洒,直到看不见头皮即可,然后用手轻轻触摸,使它均匀落到头皮上,再喷上专用水就可以了。
② 操作使用方便、快捷,只需几秒钟,每瓶用量根据个人的脱发面积大小和使用频率不同,可以灵活掌握。

13 Super Million HAir 与“织发”(即假发套)有什么不同?
① “织发”是用真头发编织起来的“假发套”。需夹在头发上。
② Super Million Hair 是经特殊加工而成的植物纤维,洒在稀发上自然成型。无需夹在头发上,效果自然、明显。

14 使用后效果怎样?与原头发一样吗?是否看得出来?

15 Super Million Hair 只限男士使用吗?

16 怎样清洗?日常怎样护理?(自己可以使用吗?)

17 使用时,如果掉到衣服上怎么办?睡觉的时候怎么办?
① 如果有掉落,用手轻轻一敲即可,或在使用前披上披肩。
② 使用后,一般正常使用是不会脱落的。晚上睡觉时,可以在枕头上蒙上枕巾。

What is Super Million Hair?

Super Million Hair is a new type of hair restorer

Super Million Hair does not assist hair growth in any way. Its sole purpose is to give your natural hair the appearance of hair growth. It is a new type of hair restorer.Super Million Hair is a specially-processed antibacterial vegetable fiber. It bonds to your natural hair with static electricity so securely that your hair looks as if new hair has grown.Spraying Super Million Hair Mist over Super Million Hair and your natural hair gives your hair a fuller, natural look that stays in place for hours, even in rain, wind, and sweat.Super Million Hair is effective and inexpensive. Use it together with Super Million Hair Mist to give your hair a natural look.

Before super million Hair
spray super million hair
spray super million hair mist