Welcome to Super Million Hair - Your Thinning Hair Solution

Super Million Hair is a specially-processed antibacterial vegetable fiber. It bonds to your natural hair with static electricity so securely that your hair looks as if new hair has grown.Spraying Super Million Hair Mist over Super Million Hair and your natural hair gives your hair a fuller, natural look that stays in place for hours, even in rain, wind, and sweat.Super Million Hair is effective and inexpensive. Use it together with Super Million Hair Mist to give your hair a natural look.

Super Million Hair 10秒令頭髮恢復濃密

脫髮絕對不受歡迎,但當一頭濃密的秀髮突然變得稀疏,每次梳頭,總會梳掉幾十條,洗頭時越按摩就越發現地上出現一條“髮路”。對症下藥治療固然重要,但懂得偽裝更為重要。要治癒脫髮或稀髮並非一朝一夕的事,但Super Million Hair卻能讓脫髮及稀髮者瞬間改變形象,找回年輕與自信。只需要10秒鐘,你便可找回多年來不見的光采。

來自日本,擁有二十多年歷史的Super Million Hair是一種經過特殊加工的抗菌植物性纖維,只要灑在頭髮稀疏的部份,通過超導因子使其附在頭髮及頭皮上,完美的與頭髮結合,使稀疏的頭髮變得豐盈、自然、逼真。

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What Causes Hair Thinning?

Hair grows naturally in cycles of approximately 4 to 6 years. At the end of growth cycles, the hair shaft is shed from the follicle and a new hair grows. Thinning hair is a natural part of aging. After the hair growth period, your hair enters the involutional period, and then sleeping period. At the end of a growth cycle, the hair shaft thins leaving hair without volume. The thinning hair contains less melanin which gives us the impression of thin hair.

Super Million Hair recommended for people who encounter following hair problems:

1. Androgenic alopecia (Male Alopecia & Common Pattern Alopecia)

Androgenic alopecia is a common form of hair loss. The pattern of hair loss varies with individuals. Androgenic alopecia is related to male hormones disturbing the hair root and causing the hair to thin. As alopecia develops, hair gets shorter in length and lighter in color. The result is fuzzy-looking hair.Hair growth is also substantially less and, in many cases, hair ceases to grow.

Alopecia areata

Bald patches are characteristically round spots similar to the size of a twenty-five cent coin. Hair loss is mainly triggered by mental stress regardless of gender or age, and may occur without any warning signs.

  • Caused by burns or Surgery

Burns or surgery may affect hair growth

2. Female Alopecia

Female Alopecia may be caused by hormones. Different from male Alopecia, the hair is loose and limp. Hair does not fall out, but hair growth ceases causing the hair to look thin. When this persists over time, the hairline widens.Sometimes the skin between thinning hair is exposed as well.

Alopecia Areata

Bald patches are characteristically round spots similar to the size of a twenty-five cent coin.

Hair loss is mainly triggered by mental stress regardless of gender

or age, and may occur without any warning signs

Hair Color Touch-up (white and brown)
About 2 to 3 weeks after dying your hair, the roots start to grow back. In such cases, Super Million Hair covers the roots and surface area of your hair

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